Is it possible to do a 2 month "weekly wrap up?" Probably not so here are the highlights:
* having new friends over for baking. DD12 idea. She wants to open a bakery, and is an avid watcher of DC cupcakes which is based on a business in Washington, DC called Georgetown cupcakes. She is overjoyed at the prospect of visiting and purchasing their $2.75 cupcakes. Yikes!

*Took a detour in curriculum to focus on writing essays for HSLDA's essay contest. The cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place entries are a serious incentives for my tween girls. The youngest finished first. Her entry went out yesterday.
*Is it too early to look at colleges? We purchased a state prepaid college contract when DD14 was 2 year's old. That was one of the best decisions DH and I have made as a couple. College is 3 years away and even though the tuition numbers and entry requirements may change, I've been researching options for her major of interest. I'm determined to find scholarship money so the contract we purchased can be spread out between the 3 girls.
*any one other than me not know which week of school they are in? I realized today that I am about 2 weeks off of my lesson plans. I guess that isn't too bad. I've had to make pit stops and pull together resources for what my DC need.
For example, we did IEW SWI A last year and I purchased US Based Writing Lessons to accompany our history studies for this year. My kids do really well with IEW but if you put a writing prompt in front of them they are a little lost. Even though I will continue to use IEW resources (it's great when I need to assist the kids with "style") but I had to pull together different sources to teach free writing. I had WriteSource 2000 on the shelf, Writing Strands Level 3 & 4, Writing with Skill (20 week sample) to teach these skills. I guess this is what it means to tweak and there is no such thing as one resource that teaches everything. By the end of the year, I pray I have competent writers.
* found a great way to teach vocabulary from a teacher of high school English. Vocabulary Videos. I am creating a word wall with the new words to keep the words in DC mind to incorporate in their writing assignments. I also took his idea of using writing blogs to encourage kids to write and to bring technology into the "classroom." Love this idea! It is motivating to my youngers who want to share their site with others. You can take a peak at her first two entries at www.mjwwritingblog.blogspot.com
*Won some curriculum from BrightIdeasPress for entering a sweepstakes. I'm so excited! Can't wait until it arrives.
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