We forgot the battery for the digital camera so these pictures were taken with a cell phone. Not too shabby. You weren't allowed to take pictures inside of the house, what a shame. So much history inside this house you just have to visit for yourself.

Dependency housing the carraige house, stable, bath house, and ice storage.
Underground passageway from dependencies to main house.

Slave Quarter next to the kitchen located in the dependency.

Vegetable Garden

Kitchen located in dependency

What is left of the Joinery cabin where nails and other tools were made for sale and use on the plantation.

View of the mountain from Mulberry Row (where the slaves lived).

Thomas Jefferson burial site and other graves of family members still being used today as a private cemetary for descendents of the Jefferson family.

Statute greets visitors at the visitor center and shuttle takes you up the mountain to the main house and grounds.