There is something about getting a package in the mail that
makes one giddy. You want to rip open
your package and enjoy whatever surprise awaits you inside. Such was the case when we received the Box of Ideas package in the mail to review. I
sat the box unopened on the desk in the kitchen and each member of my family
asked, “what’s that?” However, the lucky
kid who would actually get to use the box asked, “is that for me?” With my “yes” she was off to discover and
explore the contents of that mysterious box.
We reviewed the Salt Box. The rectangular shaped black and white box includes 10 self
contained modules that delves into the history, geography, language, science,
and other topics related to salt. Who
knew there was so much to learn about salt?
Each module is neatly packaged with everything you need for that
particular module. There is a background
sheet with information to read including links to further investigate the
topic. After the reading, there is a
hands-on activity to reinforce the concept the student just read about. You don’t have to do the modules in order but
my dear daughter started with Module 1 – Need For Salt.
In this module, she was able to read about the human body’s
need for salt and was sent on a trip to investigate the sodium content of the
foods we most commonly eat. This led to
a trip through my pantry which she listed, on a chart provided with the module,
all the foods we had that were high in sodium and low in sodium. There were also two colorful food sheets which
are now on my fridge, that lists the sodium content of common foods including
foods from McDonald’s, Pizza hut, Subway, and Taco Bell.
She worked independently on the first 3 modules of the
Box. She placed all of her findings from
these modules in a 3 ring binder. It is
an impressive presentation of colorful bar charts that show where so much of
the Earth’s salt is produced, an article of salt mines in the news, and
pictures of salt habitats. Great
stuff! One module included a game board
and a map for the student to match salt facts presented on card stock with the
country the fact referred to. The game
activity left room for the student to include facts of their own but my
daughter was inspired to take the concept to create her own “matching”
game. This module sparked a lot of her
own creativity and reinforced our own geography lessons as we are focusing on countries
and cultures this year. I love when this
happens – cross curriculum reinforcement.
At this point, I jumped into the box (well, not literally)
to discover it for myself. My daughter
wanted to do the last module which included an experiment which examined the
question of which salt has the greatest affect on the freezing point of
ice. This exercise was a gentle
introduction to the world of science labs which she will do next year in 7th
grade. She had to predict what she
thought would happen and record her results and her experiment form.
We have thoroughly enjoyed this curriculum. I believe it falls into the category of being
a unit study. I know there are more themed
boxes in development. Ideally, each box focuses on the age range of 9-16. Currently you can
purchase Salt, World Word II, Eleven, Quilting, Pigs and Laundry – such a
random list of topics. The Box of Ideas
curriculum box can be purchased at
for $79 or you can purchase the PDF download for $49. In my opinion, opening the box and discovering
all of the units is part of the fun. It
is great to further delve into a topic that may be briefly covered in one’s
main curriculum or to completely go down a rabbit trail and discover something
new. This is how we used this curriculum
– a rabbit trail adventure.
My 6th grader often finishes her work before
everyone else. She likes to stay on task
and checks off the boxes on her weekly lesson grid. It is motivating for her to know that she has
completed everything on time or ahead of time.
Most kids would read but she isn’t an avid reader. Having something like Box of Ideas is just
what she needs when she is finished all of her school work. It is engaging, educational, and fun.
The only one suggestion I would make to improve the curriculum
is to label each module 1-10. Sometimes
it was hard to know which module we had completed and which one we wanted to
discover next. We had to open the
plastic holder and look inside to see if we had in fact completed that
module. A number system would help to
keep it all straight. Otherwise each
module was nicely packaged with labels listing what was inside and what was
needed to complete it.
See what my other "crew mates" thoughts of Box of Ideas here.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.

Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.