Lots of US History & Geography today. I'm more excited about this subject than JW. She thinks I'm going into too much detail but I think it will help her to learn the information and connect the dots when studying other subjects in US History. I found an interactive US Map on History.com so I could reinforce the lesson and she was interested in that. She is really a high-tech learner and I'm a traditional learner so we have to find some middle ground.
Went to the library and got US History on DVD. I'm thinking we will look at the video first then do a "traditional" lesson and see if she is more interested in this approach.
Started the second literature book today as well. I'm going to read this one with her as the language is a little complicated, then we can discuss it.
Waiting on my Math curriculum to arrive. I hate the idea of not doing Math everyday but I'm sure she will be OK.
The journey moves on . . . .
Keep up the good work Sherri and Jasmine!