Well so good so far. We seem so sail through Math and Language Arts pretty quickly without much pain. Science with Exploring Creation through Botany has been a great pleasure. The lessons are planned out for me, the notebooking journal is in place, the activities and experiments are hands-on and fun. We did the shoe taxonomy activity yesterday to learn how Botanist classify plants.
History with TOG to say the least is a little more daunting. Between SOTW and the suggested Read Alouds from TOG it is a lot of reading. I really do feel like I need to read both because SOTW tells a story which is easy to remember but the other resource gives the biography information needed to understand the key people of the time and serves as a resource for doing timeline work. I'm starting to think that purchasing the stories on CD may be a way to cover the read aloud work in SOTW. That way the kids don't have to hear my voice for an hour. On top of the suggested reading for history I selected 3 separate literature books for the girls to read during their reading time. Oldest daughter finished this in one day! The younger dialectic and UG daughter are reluctantly reading their choices. It's Wednesday and we have yet to do the Geography and Arts section of the TOG curriculum. I really thought History would be 3 days a week subject but with TOG it seems to be an everyday subject. I know they say to make it your own, you don't have to do it all, etc. etc. and I thought I had done that but I may have to pair it down even more. Whew!
Yesterday was UG daughter's first day of piano lessons - this was pure joy to watch. I am really looking forward to her progress. I also need to find something for her to practice on.

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