Every year starts out this way. Unfortunately once the holidays come around focus shifts and by the new year you are trying to play catch up. The spring weather sets in beckoning you to the out of doors and low and behold its May. Such is the school cycle but
I tried to get my rising 9th grader excited about the box but she just didn't understand my excitement. I was able to get her help to verify everything in the box but after that she checked out. I asked my rising 11th grader if she wanted to see all the new books and she answered "sure mom." She completed MFW WHL so she is familiar with some of the books even though a few were redesigned. Her replies were "oh I remember this," and "I really enjoyed that." Perhaps when box day rolls around next year my current rising 9th grader will be a little bit more excited.
I love box day! We don't have a true box day since I piece meal our curriculum. However, I love recieving curriculum in the mail.