So who says you can't plan a birthday party in an hour?

After fostering a sibling group of 3 for 11.5 months we had about a two week break before they were back in our care again. They've been back for one week, the week of one of the kid's birthdays. I'm a big believer in celebrating birthdays so we had to do something.
NuNu made two posters, a homemade game, and blew up balloons. Pumpkin made cupcakes while I surveyed the pantry to see what I could throw together for a birthday party. I made hotdogs, tuna sandwiches, angel eggs, and put out a bowl of grapes and sweet peppers
No kids party is a party without cheese puffs so I ran out to Walmart. I got cheese puffs and party hats. Viola! It's a party complete with the music channel and dancing.
Who knew I was such a party planner on a dime and no time?
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