Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Family of 8 is again a family of 5

There is rarely a slow moment in our household.  This week has been no different.  However, we are enjoying the quietness of the house as our foster kids went back home this past Friday.  We have had them for a total of 18 months with a few weeks break when they briefly returned home last summer.  Even though I believe it is what's best for the children in the long run, I still strangely miss them.  It's only been a few days so of course I think about them daily. I feel sporadic twinges of grief every now and again but I believe it will pass in time.  I must admit not getting up to get kids off to school is great!  Being out and about without having to be back by a certain time is nice too.  The girls and I spent the weekend window shopping in the 60 degree weather we had over the weekend.  We really have forgotten how things used to be before the kids came.

Don't thing I don't have plenty to keep me busy.  I found a new community service activity for us to do as a family.  Similar to what we did at the Emergency shelter I blogged about here.  The girls volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house in Delaware with family last year so I found a Ronald McDonald house near where we are to do the same.  We have to prepare a dinner at the house for the family staying there.  I just need to sign up for my night and arrive with the ingredients to prepare the meal.
Ronald McDonald House

We are also all preparing to do a domestic missions trip this July.  The girls have to fund raise to get there but they will be traveling with the church youth to minister in the inner city of Detroit, MI.  It is all part of the Rebuild America campaign our church is a part of.  They are really excited.  I am just praying we can get all the funds raised so that they can go.  I might go as well now that I don't have small kids at home this summer.  This family of 5 is on the move again.

Social Services asked if we wanted to continue on as a foster family.  A lot has changed since we initially said yes 18 months ago.  It isn't physically possible to continue as a foster family at this time.  We are living in temporary quarters.  Also, who knew the emotional toll it would take on us all?  Even if we could continue I would need a huge break and I think I would wait until my kids are all gone.  

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