Our family just joined the YMCA, 15-20 minutes away, because
I am determined to not have another homeschool year where physical activity
takes a back seat to everything else. In
the past we’ve done so many weeks of volleyball, soccer, track and martial arts
but we don’t do anything everyday. It is
more about the inconsistency of the teacher than about having options to get
active. When not doing any of the
organized sports we occasionally walk the dog around the neighborhood or we
walk the trail at the nearby park. I
think the key for me is variety. I can’t
do anything over and over for a long period of time.
At first glance, the download of Family Time Fitness was a
bit overwhelming. But once I began to
read I liked what I saw. I immediately
printed out the assessment sheet but after reading the first lesson I wanted to
skip the assessment to get right into the activities.
The program reminds me a lot of my own public school PE
class especially during physical fitness month when the PE teachers tracked
your fitness level in different activities like push ups and sit ups. Family Time Fitness’ assessment sheet does
just that – measuring the current physical fitness level of your children at
the beginning of the program and provides additional opportunities to measure
your child’s progress as they go through the program. The following categories are measured:
- Vertical Jump
- Standing Long Jump ( Broad Jump)
- Shuffle Pick-Up
- 40 Yard Sprint
- Walk / Run ¼ - 1 Mile
- Squat
From FamilyTimeFitness.com:
The Fitness 4 Homeschool Curriculum
allows homeschool parents to teach physical
education without previous knowledge of physical education and
athletic development. Our program, designed by experts in fitness
training, nutrition and body movement, is designed to suit every age and
ability level while affordably
fitting into your budget. Our program combines flexibility and fun with a
comprehensive curriculum to give your children a foundation for strong bodies
and minds. Best of all, you get all this for only $57 dollars for all your
The program is for grades K-8, ages 5-13.
I purchased a few items needed to complete the activities
like tennis balls (3 for .90 at the thrift store) and small stuffed animals to
use for bean bags (cheap at the thrift store) and jump ropes and a bouncy ball
from Wal-Mart.
The program is designed to give students 60 minutes of
exercise 5 days per week. Activities can
be done inside and there are outside activities scheduled at the end of each
lesson. There are direct links to YouTube
videos for every exercise you are asked to perform. These videos come in handy and are easy to
catch on to.
Final thoughts:
It can be a challenge to implement this program if you have limited
inside space or if the weather isn’t cooperating. It’s fun to assess each family member’s
fitness level in the 6 categories and see each member improve over time. It is also fun to work together as a family
exercising in this way. We usually walk
together or visit the gym to do group exercises. However, it isn’t everyday you get to do the
rocking horse, frog hops, or jump the river.
These are just a few of the names of the exercises in the program. It is fun and it is a welcome break from
walking the dog and doing the exercise machines at the gym.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.
See what my other "crew mates" thoughts of Family Time Fitness here.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.
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