Monday, July 22, 2013

25 Truths

I had the opportunity to read for review 25 Truths by EdDouglas Publications.  It was a quick read – 149 pages.  I spent a few hours at my hair salon and read the book in one sitting. 
Ed Douglas spent 32 years working as a successful banker in Chillicothe, Missouri.   During this time, he also spent time on community boards, was a tennis coach and a Sunday school teacher.  But it was during his coaching that he began to share truths he learned throughout his career to help his students become successful in life.

These truths are very practical and in most cases rooted in biblical truth.  As a Christian, I am careful to glean truths and take advice that line up with the bible.  No matter how successful a person is, if their methods are contrary to the bible I am generally not interested.

Here are some of my favorite lines from the following truths:

Truth #4:  Be Slow to Judge – “It is important to remember that until you have walked in the other person’s shoes, you cannot presume to know what happened or why.” 

Truth #6:  Don’t Talk Negatively About Others – “Staying away from subjectivity and judgment preserves relationships and keeps you from bringing yourself down by hurting others.” #7: Don’t Hate-Instead, Forgive – “Forgiveness is first for you, the forgiver, to release you from something that will eat you alive that will destroy your joy and your ability to love fully and openly.”

Truth #8:  Be Quick to Apologize – “It takes maturity and humility to apologize, but nothing goes further to mend relationships, diffuse conflicts, and make life easier for everyone involved.”

Truth #18:  Set Goals and Write Them Down – “People who write down their goals, share them with a friend, and send weekly updates of their progress to their friend are 33% more successful at completing their goals…”

Out of all 25 truths, Truth #18 had the most effect on me.  I immediately jotted down some goals on the back inside cover of the book.  These goals have been on my mind but I committed them to writing after reading this chapter.  Mr. Douglas suggests that many people don’t write down their goals because they fear failure.  I must agree I do feel a bit committed to what I wrote so there is a little intimidation.  However, I am willing to put this truth to the test.  If nothing else I should make some progress on my goals which is a win for me. 

Undoubtedly, this book is great for young people.  This is especially true of the chapter that deals with money.  There are a lot of golden nuggets in this chapter which kids who are just starting out could benefit from.  I am fortunate to have a great money manager in my husband who also gets great advice from his brother who is a Certified Financial Planner.  A lot of the advice my brother-n-law gives sounds like this chapter.     

I highly recommend this book and at $12.50 it is an affordable read for many.   See what other crew mates though of 25 Truths here.

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